Startup studio of
Financial University
Our mission is to turn a small startup or idea into a big business.
Success starts here!
3 место
191 млн $
трекеров, экспертов и менторов в экосистеме
по объему привлеченных инвестиций
инвестиций привлечено нашими выпускниками
About us
We are the Startup studio of the Financial University. Our startup studio brings together people who are ready to create unique startup projects.

Startup studio of the Financial University
modern platform for your business
No idea? Let's pick cases!

Even if you have no ideas, you can come to our
Startup studio and we will help you form a team

Need help for piloting a project? We'll provide a platform!
You will have the opportunity to implement your project on behalf of the Financial University without registering a legal entity

Do you want to create a legal entity?
Let us help you register!
Our specialists will help you with the formation and submission of a package of documents

With this will help you
Startup studio of the Financial University

Our projects
Бонусы cтартаперам
Скидки от партнеров
Баллы при поступлении
в магистратуру
Заявка в Стартап-студию
Заполните анкету и мы ответим в течение 3 рабочих дней
Оставляя заявку, вы соглашаетесь на обработку персональных данных
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